Experts in agency staff spend reduction, and recruitment and training strategy.
Fairway Healthcare provide recruitment and training strategies for the future, offering extensive agency reduction options and alternatives, assisting with small medium and large scale bespoke recruitment campaigns with guaranteed outcomes.
With many decades of experience, Fairway Healthcare are at the forefront of modern innovative programmes designed to find, develop and integrate generation 2.0 of the health and social care workforce.
Fairway Healthcare and the Embark Learning Care Academy have forged a strong and unique partnership with game changing wrap around services designed to maximise recruitment starts, retention and sustainability providing care managers and decision makers with huge time and efficiency savings.
We do things differently...
Working hand in hand with talent management, HR and compliance teams across the sector, Fairway Healthcare design recruitment campaigns specific to care providers focused on guaranteed outcomes, high levels of retention, huge cost savings and a motivated quality driven workforce with a focus on sustained employment through continued learning and development and offering career paths to all.
Recruiting health and social care staff, fishing from the same pond as everyone else and simply recruiting many who are on the healthcare merry go round, Fairway Healthcare and Embark Learning have focussed on finding and developing the health professional of the future. Over 2500 individuals have come through the academy in the last 3 years alone, fully qualified, compliant, motivated and focussed on a long term career meaning dedicated care professionals, motivated and mouldable with no bad habits.

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of madness!
For too long, care providers have used old fashioned traditional recruitment methods in an ever more competitive market with an ever-decreasing number of candidates. With record levels of people leaving the sector, the need for a fresh approach has never been more necessary.
- Fairway are...
- Focusing on the next generation of health and social care professionals.
- Developing vocational social care professionals not economic carers.
Fairway Healthcare have a self-grown workforce with over 98% of our staff holding formal care qualifications, over 150 staff currently working on their level 2 or 3 Diploma and more than 1000 Care professionals coming through the unique Step in to Care programme in 2025.
Fairway Healthcare and Embark Learning Care Academy will be developing and preparing over 1500 new health and social care professionals in 2025. Fully trained, qualified and motivated to deliver high quality social care.
Fairway Homecare are proud to be recognised as a Great Place to Work in 2025, alongside this prestigious recognition, we are also delighted to be recognised as a Regional Winner for Work Force development in the 2024 Great British Care Awards and Finalists at the National Great British Awards in 2025. This follows on from being regional finalists and winners at the 2023 Great British Care Awards.

A focus on quality not quantity.
A recruitment and Training specialist working with care providers of all sizes to assist in money saving programmes to improve the workforce, recruit dedicated and motivated care professionals and to drive up retention and sustained employment outcomes meaning huge savings on agency cost and usage.
Fairway Healthcare are dedicated to eradicating bums on seats, shift filling agencies, guiding Care providers to the new modern approach to health and social care recruitment and retention.
Recruit. Retain. Sustain.

Embark Learning Talks to ‘Carers of the Future’ at West Midlands School
The social care industry has an image problem. High staff turnover and workforce shortages, combined with the widely publicised experience of carers during the pandemic, has meant that public perception of care as a viable and rewarding career choice has been damaged. With stigma being attached to the profession due

Fairway at WMCA Adult Learning Awards 2024
Fairway at WMCA Adult Learning Awards 2024 We are thrilled to receive a certificate of achievement for our nomination in the 2024 WMCA Adult Learning Awards. We are honoured to be recognised for our commitment to Health and Social Care learning and development. We would like to thank both the

Ana Geada – Tutor Award Winner At The Festival Of Learning 2024 Awards
Ana Geada – Tutor Award Winner At The Festival Of Learning 2024 Awards We are thrilled to announce Ana Geada, one of our amazing trainer/assessors for our training partner Embark Learning, as the Tutor Award winner at the Festival of Learning 2024 awards! A brilliant testament to the amazing work